Via HomeBrew (OSX and Linux)

This is by far the easiest way to get the binary. Just execute the following code:

brew tap share-secrets-safely/cli
brew install sheesy

This will install gpg as well, which is required for the sheesy vault to work.

Via Git Clone

Thanks to the getting-started repository, obtaining the release binaries on demand becomes a breeze. This is particularly useful for quick fetchin sheesy for use within containers.

git clone
Cloning into 'getting-started'...
error: 'sy' requires a subcommand, but one was not provided


For more information try --help

The binaries are download when ./sy is first executed, and you will find them in ./bin/$(uname -s)/* for further use.

Via Releases

Please note that in order to use sy, you will need a working installation of gpg.

Navigate to the releases page and download a release binary suitable for your system. A full example for linux looks like this:

curl --fail -Lso sy.tar.gz
curl --fail -Lso sy.tar.gz.gpg
# verify 'sy' was built by one of the maintainers
gpg --import <(curl -s 2>/dev/null
gpg --sign-key --yes --batch 763629FEC8788FC35128B5F6EE029D1E5EB40300 &>/dev/null
gpg --verify ./sy.tar.gz.gpg sy.tar.gz
# now that we know it's the real thing, let's use it.
tar xzf sy.tar.gz
# This will print out that the file was created by one of the maintainers. If you chose to
# trust the respective key after verifying it belongs to the maintainers, gpg will tell you
# it is verified.

# Finally put the executable into your PATH
mv ./sy /usr/local/bin
gpg: Signature made Fri Aug 16 09:58:02 2019 UTC
gpg:                using RSA key 763629FEC8788FC35128B5F6EE029D1E5EB40300
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   1  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
gpg: depth: 1  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 1-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
gpg: Good signature from "Sebastian Thiel (Yubikey USB-C) <>" [full]

Now the sy executable is available in your PATH.

sy --help
sy 4.0.10
Sebastian Thiel <>
The 'share-secrets-safely' CLI to interact with GPG/pass-like vaults.


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    vault          Various commands to store and retrieve secrets and control who has access.
    substitute     Substitutes templates using structured data. The idea is to build a tree of data that is used to
                   substitute in various templates, using multiple inputs and outputs.That way, secrets (like
                   credentials) can be extracted from the vault just once and used wherever needed without them
                   touching disk.Liquid is used as template engine, and it's possible to refer to and inherit from
                   other templates by their file-stem. Read more on their website at
    process        Merge JSON or YAML files from standard input from specified files. Multi-document YAML files are
                   supported. Merging a single file is explicitly valid and can be used to check for syntax errors.
    extract        Extract scalar or complex values from any JSON or YAML file. Multi-document YAML files are
    completions    generate completions for supported shell
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Via Cargo

If you already have cargo available, installation is as easy as the following:

cargo install sheesy-cli

This installation should be preferred as it makes updating the binary much easier. If you don't have cargo yet, you can install it via instructions on

Please note that for building on OSX, you are required to locally install certain dependencies, which is also the case on linux systems.