sy vault recipients --help
Interact with recipients of a vault. They can encrypt and decrypt its contents.

    sy vault --config-file <path> recipients [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    init      Add your single (or the given) recipient key to the vault by exporting the public key and storing it
              in the vaults local gpg key database. Afterwards someone able to decrypt the vault contents can re-
              encrypt the content for you.
    add       Add a new recipient. This will re-encrypt all the vaults content.If the '--verified' flag is unset,
              you will have to specify the fingerprint directly (as opposed to allowing the recipients email address
              or name) to indicate you have assured yourself that it actually belongs to the person.Otherwise the
              respective key as identified by its fingerprint will then be imported and signed. It is expected that
              you have assured the keys fingerprint belongs to the recipient. Keys will always be exported into the
              vaults key directory (if set), which includes signatures.Signatures allow others to use the 'Web of
              Trust' for convenient encryption.
    list      List the vaults recipients as identified by the recipients file.
    remove    Remove the given recipient. This will re-encrypt all the vaults content for the remaining
              recipients.The gpg keychain will not be altered, thus the trust-relationship with the removed
              recipient is left intact.However, the recipients key file will be removed from the vault.
    help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)