Edit a resource. This will decrypt the resource to a temporary file, open up the $EDITOR you have specified, and re-
encrypt the changed content before deleting it on disk.
sy vault --config-file <path> edit [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <path>
-h, --help Prints help information
--no-create If set, the resource you are editing must exist. Otherwise it will be created on the fly,
allowing you to add new resources by editing them.
--no-try-encrypt Unless set, we will assure encryption works prior to launching the editor. This assures you
do not accidentally loose your edits.
-e, --editor <editor> The path to your editor program. It receives the decrypted content as first argument and is
expected to write the changes back to that file before quitting. [default: vim]
<path> Either a vault-relative path to the file as displayed by 'vault show',a vault-relative path with the
'.gpg' suffix, or an absolute path with or without the '.gpg' suffix.