sy vault partitions add --help
Adds a partition to the vault.

    sy vault partitions add [OPTIONS] <partition-path>

    -h, --help    
            Prints help information

    -i, --gpg-key-id <userid>...    
            The fingerprint or user ids of the members of the partition.If unset, it will default to your key, if there
            is no ambiguity.
    -n, --name <name>               
            The name of the partitions vault to use. If unset, it will default to the basename of the partitions
            resources directory.
    -r, --recipients-file <path>    
            The path to the file to hold the fingerprints of all recipients. If set to just the file name, like
            'recipients', it will be interpreted as relative to the --secrets-dir. If a path is given, like
            './recipients', it is used as is.

            The path at which the partition should store resources.It may be a relative path which will be adjusted to
            be relative to the root of the resource directory of the master vault.It may also be an absolute directory,
            which works but removes portability.